О праздниках


Holy Trinity Day, or Pentecost, is one of the largest Christian holidays, which is especially celebrated in Ukraine. It is associated with many folk customs, mainly related to the decoration and consecration of various plants. Because of this, this day, which always falls on a Sunday, is called "Kneeling Sunday" or "Green Holidays". Unfortunately, for many people the decoration of the house with flowers and plants and is the main meaning of this holiday. But in reality, the Christian significance of Pentecost goes beyond all folk traditions. Read how to properly prepare for the Trinity Day and celebrate this day in our article.



Easter has its culinary embodiment - this is Easter cake, or paska. But every year the housewives try to diversify Easter pastries, add something new to the Easter cakes and make the holiday table richer and more beautiful. There is nothing wrong with this: the pursuit of beauty - spiritual and physical - reflects the values of the Christian religion. How is baking related to Easter, what was Kulich before and what else do housewives bake for Easter? Answers to questions and top 5 recipes for the most popular Easter baking 2020 - in our article.


The great Easter holiday falls in 2020 on April 19th. In this article you will learn: how to prepare for Easter, how to spend this day and the next week after what you can and cannot do during Lent and on the day of Easter.


The feast of the Bright Resurrection of Christ or Easter is one of the most joyful moments for every Orthodox family. In anticipation of Easter, we try to prepare our soul and body, refraining from all evil during the Great Lent and Holy Week. However, more mundane things also occupy an important place in the preparation for Easter, for example, collecting an Easter basket, which the whole family will take to the night service later. How to collect the Easter basket properly? What foods can be consecrated in church? What is the meaning of food sanctification? You will find answers to these questions in our article.


Celebration of parting
You have ascended in glory, Christ our God, by fulfilling your disciples with the promise of the Holy Spirit, by affirming their blessing in that you are the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world, these words of the church song describe the meaning of today's Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, one of the twelve most Revered Christian holidays.

Water does not mean much to us today. It’s one of life’s essential comforts, accessible automatic, cheap. You turn on the tap and there it is… 


Today the Virgin stands in the midst of the Church, and with choirs of Saints she invisibly prays to God for us. Angels and Bishops venerate Her, Apostles and prophets rejoice together, Since for our sake she prays to the Eternal God!

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