
Baptismal Bowls

Baptismal Bowls are known since ancient times. It is an essential matter for the Sacrament of Baptism. Typically, this is a large vessel resembles a bowl. Here you can find the appropriate Baptismal Bowls in type and size.

Church font No.6 35l. - фото
Article: 02ПД000078
Price: 179
In stock
Large font 80 liters  - фото
Article: 02ПД000077
Price: 549
In stock
 - фото
Article: A03780
Price: 699
In stock
 - фото
Article: A10377
Price: 299
In stock
 - фото
Article: A04036
Price: 299
In stock
 Baptismal Bowls 15l - фото
Article: 01ПД002227
Price: 119
In stock
Baptismal Bowls 10 л - фото
Article: 01ПД002205
Price: 109
In stock
Baptismal font 25 l - фото
Article: 01ПД002225
Price: 139
In stock
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Baptismal font 20 l - фото
Article: 01ПД002016
Price: 129
In stock
Baptismal font No. 3 70l. - фото
Article: 02ПД002827
Price: 449
In stock
Church font No. 6 20l. - фото
Article: 02ПД002597
Price: 179
In stock
Church font No.1 80l. - фото
Article: 02ПД002877
Price: 549
In stock
Baptismal font No. 1 80l. - фото
Article: 02ПД002876
Price: 549
In stock
Baptismal font №4 70л. - фото
Article: 02ПД002826
Price: 499
In stock
Baptismal font №4 70l. - фото
Article: 02ПД002825
Price: 449
In stock
Baptismal font №3 70l gilding - фото
Article: 02ПД002791
Price: 549
In stock
Church font No5 30L - фото
Article: 02ПД002824
Price: 169
In stock
Baptismal font №1 gilding - фото
Article: 02ПД002901
Price: 649
In stock
Big hot tub, 60L,  - фото
Article: 03ПД013352
Price: 399
In stock
Large aluminum hot tub 80 l  - фото
Article: 03ПД012090
Price: 599
In stock
Church font No.3 70l - фото
Article: 02ПД002621
Price: 499
In stock
Church font No3 70l. - фото
Article: 02ПД002727
Price: 449
In stock
Baptismal Bowl, stainless steel, 25 l - фото
Article: 03ПД010109
Price: 189
In stock
Baptismal Bowl 15 l, (leg BRASS), height 46 cm - фото
Article: 03ПД011533
Price: 89
In stock
Baptismal Bowl 15 l, (leg ALUMINUM) - фото
Article: 03ПД011532
Price: 79
In stock
Small font 15 l  stainless steel  - фото
Article: 03ПД003991
Price: 169
In stock
Font - bulk metal vessel in a large bowl, which is used for the baptism of children, both in the church and on the road. Typically, the font made of metal, which are little susceptible to corrosion - stainless steel or aluminum. The volume can also be different: there is a large font that is used for baptism in the church, and a smaller font - to be baptized at home or in the hospital.
The vessels used for the baptism in the Orthodox Church has long been, in fact, special baptistery baptistery were equipped not all temples. Normally baptism is performed in a nearby river or pond, but year-round use of natural water is only possible in countries with warm climates. In our latitudes in winter time in the churches for the baptism of children is usually used large wooden or ceramic bowls. In such vessels could pour heated water and perform baptisms, even in cold weather. With the development of industry to replace wooden font come from stainless steel products, brass or aluminum. In our time, the font is also covered by a nickel-plated, which increases their lifespan.
Buy baptismal font Online you can in our online store "Axios". In our catalog there are products of various sizes and dimensions, made of lightweight durable materials little corroded. We guarantee the quality of our products and the lowest prices. Welcome!
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