Dimensions: 23х11 mm
Average weight: 3,3 g
Composition: silver 925, gilding 999
Technique of execution: casting, gilding, blackening, handmade
The bead with a suspension bracket in the form of the shestikryly seraph and saying "On your belief yes will be to you".
Based on a fragment from the Book of the Prophet Isaiah Dionysius the Areopagite defines seraphs as the first among angelic hosts and connects their nature with the ardent, burning love to light and purity. In the composition he writes "About heavenly hierarchy" that seraphs are in the constant movement around divine and all light up heat from the speed and infinity of flight around, are capable to ennoble and assimilate themselves the lowest beings, igniting their hearts, and also to clear them "like a lightning and vsepozhigayushchy fire". "On your belief yes will be to you" (Matf.9:29). These known bible words capture the essence of an obetovaniye of belief. We can receive exactly so much how many we ask from God; to find all those answers what we look for; and to open all those doors on what with deep invincible belief we are knocked. And seraphs will inform us of God's will and will help to be cleared of a sin: "Then one of Seraphs, and in a hand at him the burning coal which he has taken pincers from an altar has arrived to me, both I have touched my lips and has told: here, it has touched your lips, and your lawlessness is removed from you, and your sin is cleared." (Is. 6:6)