• Bible. Gift Edition № 2
  • Bible. Gift Edition № 2
  • Bible. Gift Edition № 2
  • Bible. Gift Edition № 2
  • Bible. Gift Edition № 2

Bible. Gift Edition № 2

Article: ПД010264

Price: 849

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Material: leather, gold, enamel
Format of publication, mm .: 215x300
Language of publication: Russian
Binding Type: Hard

The Bible is a book that has a special impact on history and literature. It was created by many creators who wanted to hide their true names. The Bible is a perfect work, the content of which is based on 2 scriptures: the Old and New Testaments. For the first time the term "Bible" was said by John Chrysostom in his collections. It happened in the east in the fourth century. Establishing the real names of the creators of this famous creation is almost impossible, because each of the authors decided to keep his name from people. Virtually the entire text was changed and reprinted several times. Therefore, to find out how the Bible looked originally impossible. The contents of the book The Bible is based on two scriptures, namely the Old and New Testaments. The model for the Old Testament was the Jewish Bible, which in Judaism bears the name of Tanach. It consists of thirty-nine book plots, which reflect all the canons of the Christian faith, which were honored before Christ. The New Testament, unlike the Old Testament, tells about the Savior in twenty-seven books that were created in the very beginnings of our era. For all the time of its existence, the "Bible" was rewritten almost to all the languages ​​of our world.
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