• Dobrotolyubie, 5 volumes

Dobrotolyubie, 5 volumes

Article: ПД008478

Price: 69

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Binding: hard
Paper: offset
Font: Russian
Year: 2010
Publisher: Sretensky Monastery

Five volumes of Philokalia constitute the golden fund of Orthodox asceticism. Over the centuries, monks and laypeople derive from this book the treasures of the spiritual experience of the holy ascetics. This edition, recruited according to the rules of modern spelling, is supplemented by a special application devoted to the history of drawing up the Philokalia.
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Topic: Liturgical books

Language: Russian


In the FIRST THOSE translations of the creations of the holy fathers: Antony the Great, Macarius the Great, Abba Isaiah, Mark the Wyrdpiece and Avva Evagria.

The second part included translations of the creations of the Holy Fathers: John Cassian of Rome, Hesychius of Jerusalem, Neal of Sinai, Ephraim the Syrian, John of the Ladder, the Monks of Barsanus and John, Abba Dorotheus and Isaac the Syrian.

The THIRD VOLUME includes translations of the creations of the holy fathers: Diodokha Fotikiy, John Karpfsky, Zosima of Palestine, Maximus the Confessor, Abba Falassia, Theodore of Edessa, Theodora, Abba Filimon, Rev. Feognost, Philotheus of Sinai, Elijah the presbyter and Eqdik.

The fourth volume consists of 335 instructions to the monks of St. Theodore the Studite. But this is an invaluable book not only for the monastic brethren, but also for the laity, who will find here a lot of useful information, since the Reverend Theodore Studitus has a rare lesson without touching hell and Heaven, the Last Judgment and the Kingdom of Heaven. For the attentive reader, this book will serve as a source of motivation for repentance and correction of life.

In the Fifth, the translations of the creations of the holy fathers: Simeon, New Theologian, Simeon the Reverent, St. Nikita Stifat, Theolipte, Metropolitan of Philadelphia, Grigory Sinait, Nicephorus the Solitary, Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, Callistus Patriarch and Ignatius Xanfopula, Simeon, Archbishop of Thessalonica. The appendix contains the Lives of the Saints: Nicodemus the Svyatogorets and Macarius of Corinth.
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