• Measured icon of  St. Keira Beriyskaya
  • Measured icon of  St. Keira Beriyskaya
  • Measured icon of  St. Keira Beriyskaya
  • Measured icon of  St. Keira Beriyskaya

Measured icon of St. Keira Beriyskaya

Article: ПД000977

Price: 699


The name “measured" come from measure, measured icons come to Slavs from Greece. This christian tradition was forgotten for some time. Now the icon pointers from the studio (the Heaven on the Earth) try to uphold and renovate the tradition of measured icons.
The measured icon is a painted image of a new born child’s Saint Patron, which has the size equal to the child’s height. Is a new born child’s height is 50cm the icon of the child’s saint patron is painted the same size. There is deep meaning in it. The icon becomes as unique as the person for whom it was painted.

The size of the image shown in the icon corresponds to the height of the child. It bonds special ties between the child and the saint pointing a measured icon takes a lot of time and efforts. The icon painter has to learn thoroughly the Saint’s life story to make it understated and joyful. The icon painter keep on praying while creating the holy image asking God to send him the Holy Spirit to help. The measured icon is the first in the person’s life. The person grows up and learns how to worship holy relics and see beauty with it. The icon is always with the person even in mature age. Wherever the person goes the icon is always near. It reminds of the person’s Holy Patron and Defender in front of the Holy Throne. It reminds of the childhood and the joy of the first meeting with Christ.

Icon meet Orthodox canons.

Timeline for approximately one month.

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