The Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is one of the twelve great Christian holidays. It is established in honor of the event of the empress Elena the cross, on which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. A significant event of the construction of the Cross of the Lord took place under the emperor Constantine the Great, who was the first among the Roman emperors to stop persecution of Christians. Therefore, the Lord patronized him by showing a sign in the sky - the Cross with the inscription Sim win. Soon the Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine won in three wars a victory over his enemies.
Wanting to find the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified, Constantine sent his mother, Queen Helen, to Jerusalem. Although the woman was already at the age of 80, but with enthusiasm undertook to carry out the assigned task. For the great works on the revival of the Church of Christ and the efforts to find the Cross of the Lord, the saints Constantine and Helen are called Equal-to-the-Apostles.
Manufacturer : Ukraine
The exact size: 30x20 cm
Material: linden, gold leaf, oil paints.
The icon corresponds to the Orthodox canons.
The approximate production time is 3-4 weeks. The icon can be executed in a different size. Depending on the size, the price will be different.
Available options:
65х50 cm - 2000 $,
45x35 cm - 1300 $,
40x30 cm - 1200 $,
30x20 cm - 700 $.